Monday, April 5, 2010

Lauren and Jessie- Day 5, lets all jive!

Today we heard from a few top Li and Fung People, 
so far in Hong Kong we have not seen a church steeple! 

We trekked to Shenzen to visit Kohl's product office space,
maybe soon they will design with lace!

We saw how they allocate color and create tech packs, 
on our way back to Hong Kong at carrefour we picked up some snacks.

Tomorrow we visit a denim mill,
Li and Fung is making strides to be sustainable- we hope they will!

Day 5 ended with a traditional chiense meal, 
thanks to Kohl's we're getting a good deal!

Blog more soon,
maybe tomorrow around noon!
Some snapshots while traveling throughout Hong Kong during day 5!

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