Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Danielle & Sara: HK --> Shanghai

On Day 6 we went to go tour the Polytechnic university in HK.  It was really amazing to see because they had so much technology at their disposal.  The students could create 3D shops in a mall- it reminded us of the SIMS, but was really cool to see the students using it.  They also had a magic mirror that used RFID to create outfits in a dressing room.  Plus we were able to watch a 3D movie that presented some of their design students' work.  Later that day we were able to tour a denim mill and also tour a sweater factory.  It was really eye opening to see how much work goes into every garment.  

We then had dinner on the Jumbo Seafood floating restaurant, which was once again a really great dining experience.

On Day 7 we had free time in the morning and we decided to spend our time doing what we do best: SHOP.  We went to the Peninsula Hotel and shopped in Tiffany's and other fun designer stores.  We then traveled by taxi back to the Harbor City shopping mall (which happened to only be around the corner).  After that it was time to head back to the hotel--because we were going to SHANGHAI.  The two hour flight was easy and went by extremely quickly!  As we walked into our new room (or home for 3 days) we were literally in shock, running around screaming like little girls on Christmas morning.  It was a huge room with a big flat screen TV, but by far our favorite part was the bathroom.  We were on the 40th floor and had an absolutely amazing few of the city in our bathroom that was covered in windows (even one in the shower).

On Day 8 we headed straight to the Li and Fung Shanghai offices and heard a great presentation that went more in-depth about retailing in China and Asia.  Then by far one of our favorite experiences was going to the Kohl's Factory outside of Shanghai (see above pictures).  It was amazing to see how much goes into one pair of Dockers pants or Kohl's Apt 9 shorts.  After the factory visit, we were treated to a must-see tourist attraction, a Chinese Acrobat show (see left).  How anybody can twist their body into weird shapes, we don't know, but we were for sure entertained and in utter awe of the talent at the show. 

Dinner after the show was at a restaurant called Ye Shanghai, and we were most definitely stuffed to the brim, as we were accustomed to after every family-style, multi-course dinner on our trip.


On Day 9, we had the opportunity to sight see in Shanghai and toured a Jade Buddha temple.  We saw a traditional Buddhist ceremony in progress, toured a beautiful garden, and tasted several delicious and typical teas to the area. 

After the temple, we were able to shop (yay!) and practice our bargaining skills at a nearby market.  Almost everyone in the group came back to the bus with their arms full of many gifts for our loved ones back home-ENJOY!  Following the market, we were fortunate to stop at a local Wal-Mart to make comparisons to the atmosphere and experience of Wal-Mart stores at home.  We were impressed by the vast amount of grocery items on the entire first floor of this store, including fresh (and alive) seafood.  After traveling to the second floor via "travelator," we witnessed the store's hardgoods selectin, including makeup sold at cosmetics counters and $300 mopeds (definitely tempting to purchase and ship home for such a great bargain!).

Following our shopping trip, we stopped at one of the tallest buildings in the world (a Shanghai financial building) and traveled to the 95th floor to see some amazing views of the city.  The buildings of Shanghai look a lot more modern than what we are used to at home, and it will be very interesting to see how the city transforms in the next couple of years. 

Our day ended an event hosted by the Shanghai Chapter of the UW-Alumni Association at a local restaurant where we met local alumni, parents of current Chinese UW students, and our very own chancellor, Biddy Martin.  It was fun to network and share our Badger Pride halfway around the world. 

Sadly, all AMAZING trips must come to an end, so on Day 10, we wrapped up our shopping endeavors at the market and a very large (10+ floors) mall attached to our hotel, packed up, and said goodbye to Shanghai.  Our 12 hour flight home took us over Japan (a change in scenery from our trip to HK) and we (of course) enjoyed the lovely airplane cuisine.  Being the pros that we are at flying long distances, this flight seemed to go by a lot quicker than expected.  Besides the jet lag, we are now back to Madison with the amazing spring break memories, new friends, and a better understanding and appreciation of the retail industry at a global (and sourcing) level.  

Thanks to all that have been following our blog throughout this trip of a lifetime!  

Until next time,  Sara and Danielle

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